Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Morgana Mittens

Hopefully less than two weeks till we collect our girl, lockdown restrictions allowing.

I have finished her little knitted blanket with a nice crochet shell edging in a very pretty green. And today postie has brought me a free box of goodies from Royal Canin for her, organised by her lovely breeder Sian.

Our son went back to the big city on Sunday after many months and surprisingly I'm experiencing empty nest syndrome all over again. It's been wonderful to have him home. He is sad to be missing Morgana's arrival, but I hope they get to meet before too long.


  1. What a beautiful kitten, she has a good name too. I imagine you are quite excited to get her home with you.

    I wonder how long her little blanket will stay looking so good?

  2. Yes, we are very excited, she is a little ray of hope and will increase our joy levels I'm sure. She will have other fleece type blankets, one we were sent by Royal Canin and the breeder is also giving us one with her siblings smell on to settle her in. The knitty one will be in the lounge on whatever sofa she chooses to sit on. I just hope the lockdown situation doesn't prevent us from picking her up as she is in Wales. Fingers crossed.

  3. She's so beautiful. You must be so excited to get her home. X

    1. We will be building her cat tower this weekend in preparation.

  4. Many thanks for posting in my blog. I have given you an entry NÂș for the Fresh Start giveaway in my reply there. What a darling kitten!! Such a gentle face. I love her colouring too...quite unusual. What breed is she? Lovely name very appropriate if she is from Wales. keep well Amanda x

    1. Thanks very much Amanda, she’s a British Shorthair. Her predecessor was Pendragon so another Arthurian legend name seemed right, plus as you say she’s a Welsh kitty.

  5. Oh she is SOooooo beautiful Jean. I adore her!! How exciting for you to be awaiting her arrival. I also adore the blanket you have made - I would like to try something like that instead of the dishcloths I always seem to knit. Have a great week. xx

    1. Thank you so much Julie. As you can tell I've used yarn left over from other projects so her blanket is not designed beautifully but the colours are nice together plus I've used yarn I already had.

  6. Oh my goodness, such a cutie, I bet you can't wait until she comes to live with you, and what a pampered kitty she's going to be with such a beautiful blanket. I've just been catching up with your posts and loved the story of Syd and Daisy, I do hope the cards go to someone who will treasure them as you so obviously have. Thank you so much for all the kind comments you have left on recent posts, the support I've received from Blogland at this sad time has helped me so much.

  7. Thanks for leaving a comment Jo I know you’ve got lots on your mind at the moment. Sending lots of love, Jean


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