Sunday, 7 June 2020

Love & Magic

I stumbled on the film version of Bewitched yesterday on the tellybox, yes I have seen it before, but no matter, I bloomin loved it. The gentle mix of magic and silly fun was perfect for a gloomy covid day. I delighted in the TV show as a child, when everything and all things seemed possible.

I rewatched Chocolat for the very same reason a few weeks ago. Fanciful imaginings I know but they warm my heart.


  1. Oh I used to love Bewitched, didn't know there was a film version.

    1. Not as good as the original Maggie, but good fun nonetheless. Shirley Mclaine as Samantha's mother and Michael Caine as her witchy father.

  2. I haven't seen either of these. I do remember watching Bewitched as a child though, the twitchy nose, haha.

    1. If you get a chance Jo do watch Chocolat. It really is lovely. I thought I would rent it through the telly box, but managed to get a DVD through Ebay for only a couple of pounds, so can watch it again another time. If you're not familiar with Joanne Harris who wrote the original book Chocolat, can I also recommend her book Blackberry Wine, it's such an uplifting story. I must warn you though you might shed a tear. Jean. x

  3. Hello!.Ive only just found your was the name of it that attracted me to it!.I live in Leicestershire and Im looking forward to reading your past post.Best Wishes,xx

    1. Oh Hello Debi and welcome. The name of my blog comes from old family names, where Elizabeth Shrimpton married a Dr Perfect, in the 18th century I think. So nice of you to join me here, I hope you enjoy my musings. Jean. x

  4. Oh I love both. I watch Chocolat at LEAST once every year. I also love Amelie :-)


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...