Saturday, 18 July 2020

Diego's High Sex Drive Saves The Day.

Image from NY Times
Finally some good news, it made me smile, so although a bit random I thought his achievement deserves a mention.

This sprightly Hood Isand Giant Tortoise has just been retired from a breeding programme that saw his species number grow from 15 to 2000. This wonderful tortoise is now 110 years old, and was responsible for 40% of the 2000 born. Fortunately for us, he has/had, a very high sex drive.

I believe that he has been returned to an uninhabited island in one of the oldest part of the Galapagos. Presumably with many of his children. What a legend.


  1. I should think so too poor old chap!!! He must be exhausted LOL keep well Amanda x

  2. Sounds like he needs a rest, lol.
    Have you picked up your new kitty yet?

    1. Yes we have Maggie. Not on the original day we thought as she wasn’t well, but we picked her up last Wednesday. I’ll do a post in a few days about her. She’s adorable.

  3. Awww, bless him. I think he's earned his retirement.


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