Friday, 24 October 2014

Calling All Count Arthur Strong Fans


Just in case any of you lovely blogging chums are fans of the Count, here's a public information broadcast.

Tickets went on sale this morning for Arthur's 2015 tour.
I've booked to see him, I think you should too.

You can do it here.


  1. Is it awful that I had to Google Count Arthur Strong? I'd never heard of him.

    I hope you have a wonderful time at his show x

  2. HaHa! Thankyou Yvonne....I had to Google him to! :).

    I think Jean is just trying to punish us...! Radio 4....?
    What's a radio.....? :>).

  3. He's in the Harry Worth/Tony Hancock tradition. Very 'old fashioned' comedy but totally hilarious. He had a TV show on last year, I think it was last year. Before that on radio. 2nd TVseries being filmed now.


  4. I preferred him on radio than t.v. I will check to see if he will be down this way and see if OH is keen.

  5. Hooray! Another Count Arthur fan! Thank you for the info & I'm so glad there's a 2nd series coming. Sad about Katya - she was my fashion icon!


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