Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Garden Happiness

Well good morning my little butterbeans, it's now the official start of garden bliss. Yes, the greenhouse is now up and from today will be housing some darling little seeds.
Our lovely neighbour popped into view the new local attraction and brought with him some pepper plants, yeh Nick :) Can you see them in the corner?
The garden furniture is finished, after 4 coats of paint. But I have to say the paint has caused me some problems as it seems to be peeling off when even a litle bit of water gets on it, particularly bad on the table top. Can't understand that as I have actually used a 'garden' wood paint, go figure. Possibly it was in the preparation, but I did use an electric sander for the job.
Anyhoo problem solved as amongst my little stash of fabrics there was a piece of oil cloth, and it was exactly the right colour and just enough to cover the table.
We've got to be totally on the ball to keep it looking good, and will keep it covered when we're not using it, that way it should last for this year at least.

Our lovely roses which have been languishing on the floor amongst a lot of overgrown grass have been given a face lift and are looking very peachy indeed. This lovely rose is called anniversary and was given to us last year on our 10th wedding anniversary. 

I don't think this is a formal way of supporting roses, but I think it looks delightfully rustic and the supports are from our garden so are free.
I'm orf to my knitting group now, and will be back soon to show you some gorgeous images I have taken for an advert for this very blog, which has been kindly offered to me by Vintage Life magazine. They used some of my knitwear images last year and have given me a free advert in exchange. Jolly good I say.

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