Saturday, 4 December 2021

This and That

 The Mr has been outside in the hellish weather doing important things in the garden, there are always important things to do in the garden, of course. I was inside busy varnishing my welsh dresser, like you do, when he called me, very excited. He had spotted a Hedgehog, (or Hogwodge as my dear friend Linda used to call them), ambling along, it's only the second one he has ever seen in his life! Such a shame the little film he took didn't turn out so well. 

image from Zazzle.

I am slowly getting more in the Christmas mood, I hope you all are too dear chums. After spotting Sue's socky delight advent calendar, I rushed to get one, I needed some new socks and these are super nice and really quite a good price. Sadly out of stock on line now, but I managed to track down a box at a local store. Hurrah.

I did have a super cute Christmas film featuring felted animals, that I had hoped to share, which I have somehow managed to delete, yes, yes, I know I'm too tidy. So instead I'll leave you with a slightly disturbing  article about strange Christmas cards. Possibly best filed under 'better not send'.


  1. AWWW..... What a sweet little hedgehog (I rather prefer hogwodge myself LOL)....even though I know it is not the one spied by your Mr. Glad to hear you found yourself some Christmas spirit...I'm still looking for mine. I have brought a few things out thinking it would help, but not so much. While I am sure I would have adored the film of felted animals having dabbled in felting myself, I must say the "disturbing" Christmas postcards were right up my alley LOL. (Then again, I like memento mori items too which most find disturbing). Some are truly disturbing....I'm not fond of the dead animal thing (I know, I au contraire to the memento mori thing), but some of the others were so unusual that they are fascinating. Thanks so much for sharing!! ~Robin~

  2. Hi Robin, hope you're keeping safe and warm. I thought the vintage cards were hilarious. Jean
