Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Recycling Christmas - Waste Not Want Not

 I have to say I'm pretty glad Christmas is over and done with, yes I know, bah humbug and all that. I just haven't been able to feel the cheer this year, or last to be honest. Next year I think the Mr and I should either go away somewhere or have a good few family members to ours. That I hope will make for a jollier time. 

I took my decorations down today and it feels great. My Christmas cards are going to a friend who makes gift tags from old cards and sells them for charity. Our tree will be recycled, and used as garden mulch.

Morgana helping me pack away the decorations

I have kept my Christmas stamps this year as they can help charities raise money. Country Living magazine recently gave details of all the charities raising funds from stamps and other things.

I have decided to collect to help Hedgehogs. I also have a few other things on this list which I'm happy to send.

I'm also collecting ends of candles and unused wax bits and bobs, to give to a new local business that is just starting up, making new candles from old. I have quite a bit already collected because it galls me to see a ton of wax left in candle jars and so I had been digging it all out with a mind to do something similar myself. Giving to a new business is even better.

I also recycled the turkey today and made a delicious soup. Using up the itty bitty pieces of turkey, very sad droopy spring onions, parsnips that were just starting to crinkle, slighty soft celery, good crisp onion and carrot. Oh and a couple of handfuls of small pasta shapes. Are you like me and often have a small amount of pasta shapes left in the bag? I've put them to good use today.

It doesn't look that lush but trust me it was very tasty and nourishing. It will stretch for another meal tomorrow night with a cheese board and crusty bread. 


  1. My Dec will come down New Year's Eve as usual, although I e not had much Christmas cheer this year either. Good for you for recycling, I've not got many Christmas cards but had thought I might make floss tags from mine. I'm sure your soup tasted lovely, we have spaghetti bolgnaise tonight just so we can eat something that's normal.

    1. Yes, I know what you mean Maggie, we had chilli for dinner. My husband makes the best chilli, we always cook double so that we can cook once and eat twice. X

  2. First of all, thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment!
    We usually leave the Christmas tree up until after the 6th of January - this is a tradition here in Belgium - but as our cat keep climbing it and disloding the decs, I guess we'll have to dismantle it soon. Like your Morgana, our Bess will probably help ;-)
    I love your recycling ideas, and that soup actually looks very tasty indeed! xxx

    1. Hi Ann, delighted I found your blog and thank you for dropping by. Jean

  3. Sadly, I was waiting for Christmas to be done before it even began. I had no tree but had put a few decorations out...but I left them all up and about and took advantage of a few hours' break between snow/ice storms, convinced Snowdog he could travel one last time, herded the cats and headed north to the lake. I got here just before the next snow started and am now stuck here with little food (other than for the pets) as I did not have time to go to the store before leaving and hadn't gotten to the store before leaving Nod given the holiday...and, you guessed it...storms. I won't go hungry I am sure...but, dang, that soup looks SOOOO good! ~Robin~

    1. Oh no Robin, I don't like to think of you stuck without a plentiful supply of food. I do hope you manage to get out between storms to get some provisions. Take care of yourself and Snowdog and the cats.

  4. I've been looking for somewhere to send used postage stamps to, I've got loads of them. I always saved them to give to Mick's auntie, she took them to the WI she went to but she stopped going and I didn't know anyone else who took them, but it's become a habit to tear them off envelopes so I continued to do so. I shall make sure that I send them to one of the addresses.

  5. There will be very little wasted in this house as well. I have already started putting away one or two of the decorations. I quite like the idea of doing it gradually, it's less of a shock that way.
    Your soup looks delicious. X

    1. Hi Jules, yes slow is good especially if you have a fair bit to take down. Happy New Year.


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