Thursday, 23 December 2021

The Charles Paris Mystery Series

 If you're planning on travelling this season to meet with friends or family and your journey is quite a long one, can I recommend listening to The Charles Paris mystery series starring Bill Nighy. There have been quite a few series so far and we always listen to them when we're travelling. They are funny, clever and they make the time fly past. The Mr somehow manages to download them so we can listen in the car, on demand. If you're tech savvy, which I am clearly not, you should be able to do this. I have added a link here which I hope you will be able to access to get a flavour of the character Bill plays.

And most randomly here's a very sweet image I just had to share.



  1. I've never heard of that series, something to investigate if I get a little time.

  2. Putting this on my list of things to remember (not that I travel long distances (any?) any more but perhaps I'll find some non-travel opportunity to listen). Now, hopefully, I will also remember where that list is. ;-)

    1. Just as good to listen to if you're crafting. I hope you love the series.


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...