Saturday 5 October 2024


The cold weather has arrived and this year we have had to buy some logs in. We have been in our current home for over seven years and up till now have been using the store of logs that was left to us by the previous owner, plus a few of our own trees have provided. Our neighbour has felled our trees and we split the logs with him, a very good neighbourly arrangement.
Today has been bright and dry. I have been waiting for such a day to harvest my organic chamomile, which is now resting in the warm greenhouse whilst nature does it's thing. I'm not a huge fan of chamomile tea but using my own blooms improves the flavour no end.


  1. Sounds like you're busying yourself with fall preparations. Your chamomile looks so lovely all splayed out like that. I've never taken a liking to tea in any shape or form other than iced tea...and that must be plain, unsweetened, although I do like a wedge of fresh lemon to squeeze into it. I know, I know...I'd make a poor Brit. ~Robin~

    1. I forgive you your tea dislike, I'll drink yours I love it.

  2. You have done well to get through 7 years without buying wood in Jean. Your camomile flowers look so wonderful. I am having computer issues (again) & hope my comment publishes okay. Julie xx

    1. Pleased to say I'm receiving you loud and clear Julie.



The cold weather has arrived and this year we have had to buy some logs in. We have been in our current home for over seven years and up til...