Thursday, 4 November 2021

Small Drops Of Thrifty Joy


I've not always been a big fan of Chrysanthemums, they have a bad reputation, strangely brought about I think by their virtue of longevity. Garage flowers. But actually they should be celebrated for that reason, good value blooms, that can look elegant and joyful. I purchased mine from Sarah Raven, they arrived late and were very late to flower, but I'm bowled over by their beautiful soft colours. Not cheap but I'm hoping to over winter them in the greenhouse, where as they die back I can harvest some seeds. I have a vision of an enormous bed of them, I'll be able to fill the house with them next Autumn and who knows may even be able to sell a few to my local florist.

The Mr has started to harvest his beetroot crop, so this week I have revisited an old thrifty recipe of mine which you can find on my sidebar. Beetroot dip. Devoured by us atop some wonderful cous cous, with haloumi and warmed pitta breads. Cooking once and eating twice, we had the remainder of the cous cous last night with fried eggs, tremendous.

And last but not least we are going to The Ritz cinema soon to see the new Wes Anderson film. I can't wait.

Happy thrifting my friends.


  1. Your mums are beautiful!!! And so large!!! Garage flowers?? I'm not familiar with that expression? Here we know them as "funeral flowers" least in years gone by, almost all floral arrangements had mums. Hmmm...think I will have to pass on the beetroot dip LOL... Not a fan of beets in any shape or form. But it makes a dramatic dish! ~Robin~

  2. Ha ha. Garage flowers bought from a petrol station, as an after thought on the way home (by men for wives). Usually cheap flowers that have sat there a l o n g while. So not the best. X

  3. Personally I like chrysanthemums they last nicely even when cut. Quite a thing in Japanese culture. Keep well. Amanda x

  4. Hi Amanda, thanks for dropping by. Ive just refreshed the water on the blooms in the picture, they're still looking good. Jean x
