Friday, 27 September 2013

Ch Ch Ch Changes

I have two doors on the front of my house, initially I painted them black which I felt complimented the red brick walls very nicely. At the moment they are 'dental lab' green which has satisfied my vintage bent, but I fancy a change. I'm sure it's all to do with the change in the seasons and my current drive to smarten and tidy up everything about me before the bad weather sets in. Strangely and randomly I also want to change my spectacles - new front furniture all round.

Something a little more mellow is in order for the doors so I'm thinking Farrow and Ball should do the trick.
Happily my local stockist is Homebase and apparently this Saturday and Sunday they are knocking 15% off everything they sell. It's the only time I ever see Farrow and Ball discounted. So if you are thinking along my lines get yourself over to Homebase this weekend and save some money.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Post Holiday

Well dear reader how have you been whilst I have been off on my travels? Everything hunky dory? Good, glad to hear it. I see from your blog that you have been enjoying the sun and making busy with your crafty and thrifty ways.
I myself have spent a wee while with some friends at their house in Turkey, oh so very hot. And some time in an Elizabethan hunting tower in Derbyshire, not such great weather but flipping marvellous anyway.

Breakfast corner by the pool, chez Gina in Turkey
These pics are of the master bedroom at the top of the tower, taken of course before we completely cluttered up the space. Next floor down was a roomy living area, below that a gorgeous kitchen dining area and in the basement another very cosy en suite bedroom with twin beds. As you look at the pictures the left hand turret houses the stairwell that reaches all the floors including the roof. One room per floor.

View from the roof .
View from the kitchen door, every home should have cannons don't you think?
I wonder if you all know where this amazing tower is in Derbyshire? Here is a picture of my evening tipple to give you a clue.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Still They Come - Thankfully

Last night we had them stuffed with tomatoes, herbs and mozzarella, served with roast pork chops (British of course) and Ainsley Harriott's 'World Kitchen' flavoured bulgar wheat. I normally make my own bulgar wheat side dish but these were on a very special offer at Lidl and they are less than 1% fat and no nasty additives or hydrogenated/trans fats. The low fat mozzarella was also from Lidl only 48p per pack, great value.

Today I made some little chocolate cakes which also have 150g of grated courgette and low fat sour cream in them. The recipe called for them to be topped with half a walnut but I used some honey and sesame coated nuts that I bought in bulk from a Turkish market last week.

And tonight? Courgette, tomato and fresh basil pasta bake. I will also be adding (chucking) in any odds and ends that need using up, a few mushrooms and peppers probably. Our peppers are just starting to come in now in the greenhouse and it looks like we will have quite a few.

We have had LOTS of fresh produce from our first year of veg growing and I find it soooooo satisfying. We have eaten well and given heaps away too. One grateful recipient has promised me some eggs from her little group of hens. Magic :)

Monday, 2 September 2013

Be Creative

My mind of late has turned to all things crafty and as usual I'm muchly inspired by other lovely crafty bloggers. I have an unfinished Fair Isle teddy bear jumper that must be completed before the cold weather starts to nip, but I figure I have time yet. And then on to the new.

I'm determined the next few weeks will see the newly decluttered studio swept washed and spruced to an inch of its anthropomorphic life, imbuing it with a deep and creative character. Well that's the plan anyway, to create a happy and beautiful space to work in.

These are some of the super ideas that are spurring me on, do you like them? What gets your creative juices flowing?

All of the above craftiness courtesy of  Miss. Stewart