Sunday, 21 March 2021

Home Comforts

 Keeping busy is helping me see through the last few weeks of full lockdown. I'm trying my dandiest (is that a word?), to increase my fitness and improve or refresh elements of our abode, while I have all this spare time. Home comforts you could call it. When my home is clean, tidy and spruced up I'm at my happiest. 

Currently I'm giving my 'office' a bit of a revamp. I've decided to create some space for me to get crafty. After all I have lots of projects that I could be getting on with.  

When we bought the house I inherited a very capacious cupboard which until the last few days had a ghastly wallpaper on it. It only took a few hours to get the old paper off. Which of course Miss Mittens tried to eat.

I found an inexpensive lovely French paper on line and I'm super pleased with the results. Just hoping now that Miss Mittens doesn't decide to claw it.

It looks like Sarah Raven's potting shed, ha ha. I like the images and it gives the cupboard doors the illusion of extra depth. I'm currently clearing the room of anything that isn't useful or beautiful and selling the items on Ebay toward a holiday fund. It feels like progress. 

I can then install a characterful rickety old table that belonged to my friend Prof, she was very artistic and used it to create many wonderful things. It will be ideal for me.

I'll leave you with a joyful image from Painting Dreams Spring is here at last.


  1. Love that wallpaper on your cupboard door.

    1. Thank you kindly Susan. Thanks for dropping by.

  2. That wallpaper looks fab! Also, full marks for using the word "capacious". I think you'll need to show us the rickety table next. x

    1. Ha ha. Yes, will definitely be posting more about my 'new' space. I love looking in other folk's houses, always interesting.

  3. Fabulous wallpaper find! I love the design and it looks great...really! I'd be terribly tempted to open the doors and see what exotic mystical things you have inside. Awww I do miss a photo of Morgana Mittens here. keep well Amanda x

    1. Thanks Amanda. I'll have to give you a peek inside the big cupboard soon. Full to the brim with things I've kept 'just in case'. And HUGE amounts of buttons in jars.


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...