Tuesday 16 July 2024

Home Comforts- Oat Biscuit Recipe

I've been baking today, it's a very speedy easy recipe and the biscuits are quite delicious and I think quite healthy. I have swopped the oil to olive oil and reduced the sugar quantity to 75gms down from 165gms. We call these our emergency biscuits, as we take them away with us when we holiday in the UK, handy in case we find ourselves with no access to decent food, or healthy snacks. I hope you'll try them and let me know what you think. 150gms jumbo organic oats, 50mls olive oil, 75gms brown sugar, 1 beaten egg, 25gms sunflower seeds, 50gms chopped apricots (the dried soft ones in packets). Put the oats in a bowl, stir in sugar and olive oil, cover with a clean cloth and leave for one hour. Add the rest of the ingredients stir well and form into biscuits on a baking tray. Bake for approx 12-15 minutes, at 180 (medium oven) until lightly browned, allow to cool and munch. I've also managed to harvest 800gms of big dark blackest blackcurrants from our garden to make some jam. I might add I've still left huge amounts for the birds. And a very kind lady gave me 6 empty Bonne Maman jars, so pretty, after I put in a request on Freecycle. Have you all heard about Freegle and Freecycle? You can gift and request things for free, in your local area. Saves items being put into landfill. No waste all gain.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Imaginary Conversations : An Erdem Collection Inspired By Dowager Duchess Deborah

A new exhibition at Chatsworth which I'm pleased to say I helped with in a tiny way, and I mean teeny tiny.
The gorgeous pink confection of a dress and the Elvis slippers were actually owned and worn by Debo. A huge fan of Elvis, she sadly didn't get to meet him.

Monday 1 July 2024

Aberdeen-Fairytale Castles & Gorgeous Art

I recently travelled north of the border to see an old chum. She's been having a hard time of late and I wanted to see her and give her some support, and have a few laughs of course, which is very good medicine in my book. We chatted for England, well I suppose she chatted for Scotland, let me tell you, she won. We had a laid back time. Aberdeen has much to offer and I really enjoyed the differenceness, is that a word? and the culture. Look at the divine pink Craigievar Castle, I must apologise for not crediting the photo, I found it on a local posting and don't know who took it. But rather special, no?
The Aberdeen Art Gallery was splendid and I could have spent hours in there just gawping at the art. Unfortunately whilst I was there a large school party invaded the gallery and made the most tremendous noise whilst wandering around touching the exhibits. The teachers did nothing to supervise the children which greatly surprised and annoyed me, I did well to keep my council and said nothing, although I did glare, obviously. I do a good glare when I need to.

Monday 24 June 2024

Pop Over & Meet Pip

There is a tremendous Australian blogger who I have followed for many years and probably have recommended before. But seriously, do go and find her, she has the most interesting things to say. www.meetmeatmikes.com Sorry I can't do the click on the link thingy, my computer says no. Today she mentions another site, modern daily knitting, who showcase a darning tool.
There is something very comforting about this image.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

India Rose Crawford - Froggie Having A Tidy Up

This very clever lady seems to be on most social media including Insta and Etsy. I love this little film and thought I would share it to make all my blogging chums smile.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Torchy The Battery Boy

I'm just about old enough to remember him. Saw his pic yesterday and thought of Jean-Paul Gaultier. Can you see it?

Saturday 8 June 2024

A Wee Trip

I'm off shortly to see a girlfriend who lives in Scotland, we haven't seen each other since Covid. So we are both looking forward to it. I am travelling by train rather than flying. It will be a bit of a journey but only one change. I avoid flying now as much as possible. I don't enjoy any aspect of it. Anyhoo, I have purchased a nice small rucksack to keep my book, mags, water etc in for the train journey. I have been on the hunt for a nice one for a while. I didn't want a designer one because I think they can often be targeted for their value by unscrupulous folk. I'm super pleased with the one I found through a feature in Country Living magazine.
Hand made by Charlotte Macey, it came beautifully wrapped with a lovely card. How nice to deal direct with a maker.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

An Antiques Roadshow Visit- Wet Wet Wet

Well not quite! The Mr and I have been to one other Antiques Roadshow event a few years ago held at Eastbourne on the south coast. The weather and the seaview were glorious and although we did queue for a good while the time passed most pleasently. In stark contrast to our experience last Tuesday at Cromford Mill. It rained and rained and rained. Now the folk of AR cannot control the weather, but the lack of organisation was mind blowing. Everyone in attendance had booked a free ticket in advance, but there seemed to be huge amounts of people waiting. The INITIAL queue zig zagged back and forth and we stood in the mud and rain for a good hour. When we got to the front of that queue we realised it was just to get a wristband and a brief bag check for some. Anyone who had just come to gawp at 'the celebrities' was ushered stright through the gates of the mill yard. I would estimate that was about 90% of the queue. Others, like the Mr and I had to join another queue, quite small in comparison, but still did take us about 30 minutes to get to the front where we were given a card, see above, to join yet another queue. Can you tell I was getting a bit miffed by now? We were then directed to the wrong area but worked out eventually where we should be. Yes, another queue for the ceramic experts. Still the rain poured and poured. There was one expert sitting under cover and the line of folk waiting to be seen was long, but for us too late now to turn back. Plus we had paid £5 to park in a sodden wet field, which I thought was a bit of a cheek. One of the stewards asked if anyone had Asian ceramics to be appraised, and I did, two Chinese things and one Japanese. Now I know none of the items I had were worth lots of money, that was obvious but I was really curious to find out when they had been made. I found them charming and wanted to know a bit more.
The Asian expert was nowhere to be seen, we were told she had gone off to look at something and would be back. Meanwhile the only other ceramic expert had gone off to do some filming, back in ten minutes he said. Actually forty minutes. So we waited in total about three hours to speak to the expert. Who told me the Japanese little sugar bowl was made between 1910-1940, the small flask she didn't know and she didn't know about Chinese ceramics so guessed the plate was probably 19th, possibly English made, "but don't quote me " she said. These are my items which I really like for their character and history.
My advice dear reader, if you are curious about any old artefacts is to speak to Mr Google first or go to a local auction house valuation day. Don't 'pop' along to The Antiques Roadshow.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Homespun Day

Well gentle readers it has been a bit of a homespun day today, but no less enjoyable for that.
I started the day with some cleaning and sprucing up, with the first wash on before I had even opened my eyes properly. It has been a full day. Breakfast was some of my own handmade Compost Jelly on posh Marks and Sparks toasted bread with a delicious decaff coffee. I served my breakfast on my current favourite plate, are you like me and have fav plates and mugs and cups for specific things? It's an old Habitat plate which cost me all of 25p from a charity shop. My coffee mug also cost me 25 p from the same shop, sorry I didn't get a pic of that, maybe next time. A slow perusal through some recycled Country Living mags which a friend swops with me for my Norfolk Life mags. Before beetling off for an hours swim. Not before I had stripped the bed though and put wash number 2 on. A goodly amount of gardening on my return. Where delving around the garden I managed to find just enough blooms to make up a nice vase for the living room.
. I've a few more jobs to do before a light supper later, I think a glass or two of wine is in order tonight as I have been extra good this week with lots of exercise. I have now lost 20lbs in weight and I am carrying on with my health restoring journey for another 4lbs, when I will hit my own second target. Wash number 3 is on. It has been a little sunny today so I haven't needed to use the drier, which I hate doing. Things smell so much nicer drying on the line and of course it's cheaper too. I will leave you with a delightful find I made a couple of weeks ago. A rather lovely oil painting of a vase of flowers. £1 only from another local clearance charity shop. I don't always find such wonderful things, but I do check Charity shops on a regular basis. I will keep this painting but if I do sell anything on that I find in the shops, I always make an extra donation to the charity.

Thursday 23 May 2024


It is no secret dear reader that I'm a huge fan of everything Georgian. So naturally I'm currently drooling over Bridgerton in all it's sublime nonsense and silliness.
The London biscuit company Biscuiteers have produced a very charming Bridgerton biscuit collection, which I expect will fly out despite it's hefty price tag, of £62.00 for 300gs. I won't be indulging, but it has taken a goodly degree of self restraint, as they are sooooooo pretty.

Home Comforts- Oat Biscuit Recipe

I've been baking today, it's a very speedy easy recipe and the biscuits are quite delicious and I think quite healthy. I have swo...