Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Some Good News

 Many moons ago I worked at a small museum in Sussex, one of the trustees at the time was Charles Saumarez Smith. a noted British art historian. He's my go to man for current arty news.

I was very pleased to read on his blog this week about Eike Schmidt (Director of the Uffizi in Florence), initiating a plan to send hitherto stored art works at The Uffizi to their original homes in the Tuscan countryside, to stimulate local tourism. What a bloomin great idea. We should do more of this in Britain. It always saddens me to think of art stored away in dusty archives never to see the light of day. Such a wasted opportunity.

It occured to me that if every holiday maker stayed in their own country this year, they could support all of their own tourist areas without the risk of spreading Covid abroad. Holiday at home. Job done.

In more good news, I think, IKEA have come up with an initiative of their own, getting us to eat 'rubbish'.

I'd be interested to know your thoughts on this dear reader and also it would be great to share anything that you do in this vein that works well for you. A kind of thrifty nosh exchange.


  1. That is a brillant idea! I agree that art is meant to be, and should be, enjoyed. As for the ScrapsBook....hmmmm, uh...well??? I grew up on a farm and in a "waste not want not" world, so nothing went to waste. Lard was rendered and used, scraps became dog food, peelings became chicken and hog food, etc. Then it was just what we did, and partly from necessity. Now, it is really not a necessity, but I do make a conscious effort not to waste. Stale bread is made into croutons or dropped at the neighbor's as a treat for the chickens, bones are boiled for stock, overripe bananas made into bread, bacon grease saved for molasses cookies and certain things I cook, skins from potatoes are buttered and cooked and enjoyed as tater skins, coffee grounds and egg shells saved for gardening, etc. I could go on, but none are novel ideas I suspect. I, however, draw the line at a "pulp burger".... Seriously? LOL ~Robin~

    1. Oooooh, love the sound of the tater skins, sound like a type of home made crisp, as we call them in England. We grow our own potatoes during the warmer months so I'm going to try this, as I know the potatoes will be fresh and pesticide free. I too hate to waste anything. It makes me very happy when I can reuse or upcycle something. Or indeed pass things on to other folk to use. Jean x


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...