Wednesday 1 May 2024

Beltane Blessings My Lovely Chums

This lovely Beltane image from one of my fav designers, Wendy Andrew. She can be found at I have bought quite a few wonderful items from her. Just recently a fab door hanging featuring the Harvest Goddess.
On another bountiful note, I have reached my initial weight loss target of 10% of my total body weight, 17lbs. I aim to continue on for a while longer. But last Saturday I celebrated with my first cake since Christmas. Bloomin lovely. It was too.


  1. Well done with the diet:-)

  2. Well done on reaching your initial weight loss target.
    That tea and cake does look very tempting :)

    All the best Jan

  3. Your Harvest Goddess door hanger is just beautiful Jean. Well done with the weight loss - please send me some much needed inspiration 😉

  4. You had me at cake...but, oooo, that looks much too small for such dedicated forbearance. Happy Beltane my friend. ~Robin~

  5. Oh well done. You deserve that treat.

  6. Beltane blessings to you too, Jean, and well done on the weight loss! xxx


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