Friday, 29 May 2020

Lost - A Piece Of My Heart

It's been a full month today since our lovely girl Pendragon died. Just two weeks short of her 18th birthday. I don't need to tell any of you how much a part of the family she was, we all love our animals deeply.

The house seems empty without her and often, still, we think we see her. Perhaps we do? I did ask her to haunt us.

We buried her in the garden and have made a really nice area for her. So gone but still with us.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear kitty. I know the pain you're feeling as I lost my Lilly in January. 💔🐈🙏🐈💔

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, I did see that Lilly had passed, awful for you, I know. We love them so don't we, and we will always remember them.

  2. Oh, so sad! I hope you are coping OK.

  3. It's always such a sad time when a much loved member of the family dies, I know how much you'll miss her. That's a beautiful photo of Pendragon, she certainly was a beauty.

  4. Thanks again Jo. We will always miss her.


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