Monday, 27 June 2022

Unwashed Victorians & Up Late With Paul McCartney

 Yep, that was my weekend and most splendid it was too. The Mr was away down south involved in boyish pursuits. I and two lovely friends went to an open gardens day in one of our very pretty local villages, Beeley in Bloom,  a village mostly owned by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire.

16 gardens were open, mostly cottage style and all were lovely. The best of course was the garden at The Old Vicarage. Have you noticed that where ever you visit, The Old Vicarage is always the biggest and most aesthetically pleasing building? The views from this garden were wonderful.

It was a fund raising day with everyone doing their bit to help. It felt really nice. Lots of folk chatting to visitors in their gardens, tea and cake at the village hall and a few raffle stalls. I always expect to win when I buy raffle tickets and in this case I did. 3 times.

The icing on the cake though, so to speak, was the presence of The Ragged Victorians . They are a living history group, who walked and worked amongst us as we were admiring the gardens.


All in all a tremendous day out. And a very late night followed watching Sir Paul at Glastonbury doing a nigh on three hour set. I can't imagine anything worse than being at Glastonbury, but watching at home was first class. Toilet, food and drink to hand, great coverage of the music and saved £300 on a ticket. Super scrimpy and super comfy.


  1. Well, I can't say about The Old Vicarages as I don't know of any anywhere near these parts LOL...but I will take your word for it. 😉 In all seriousness, your weekend looks and sounds wonderful. My favorites are "The Ragged Victorians." Gah!!! Their costuming is AMAZING!!!! I believe I could truly believe I fell back in time. You have the best adventures! ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

    1. Thank you m'dear. The Ragged Victorians were simply amazing. And the little17th century dwelling in the pics has been restored over the last 20 years by a local chap with a passion for social history. It is only open to the public once a year. A local Brigadoon.

  2. What a great day out, and it looks like you got the weather for it too. It's such a shame when events are spoilt because it rains. It looks a lovely place for an open garden weekend but having The Ragged Victorians there must have added to the enjoyment, it really does look as though you'd stepped back in time.

    1. It was very special Jo. I'll be looking out to see them again.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day. I do love to have nosy round other peoples gardens it is a good way to get ideas for your own garden! The re-enactment group sound wonderful as does the property you have shared. The vicarage in my village is a modern building but you are right that they are often the biggest house built in the best location. I bet they are a nightmare to heat nowadays though!

    1. Yes, I'm afraid heating our homes will be a big concern this Winter.

  4. What a fabulous day out, Jean. Well done on winning those prizes - I never do - and The Ragged Victorians look and sound like a lot of fun. Definitely my cup of tea! xxx

    1. Such an authentic group, they looked wonderful in the lanes of the old village.

  5. What a lovely way to visit gardens and have the Vicctorians amongst you! x


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