Wednesday, 22 June 2022

My Mad Crochet Kimonos

 Okay so I have finished my second mad looking but incredibly cosy crochet kimono. Not really needed just now, scorching weather etc. But finished for my son. I have started another for a friend who loved mine so much he wanted one too.

I found him the quirky hat at a recent boot fair. As he donned the kimono he said he felt like an African politician, I thought a Greek Orhodox Priest, what with his long hair and all.

My next project will be a Tilda sewing one. 3 crochet kimonos are enough methinks.


  1. That looks really great! I bet that will be so lovely and cosy in winter. Good one! keep well. Amanda x

  2. What fun! I am certain your son will be especially appreciative of your talent and love as the weather cools. But, yes, I agree with your son's description LOL. Looking forward to your next creating adventure! ~Robin~

    1. Thanks a lot Robin. I think I'll be posting soon about my gardening endeavours. x

  3. Wow! Love it, amazing creation looks very cosy.

    1. Thank you. I've been wearing mine fairly recently as some nights can be very cool. Saves putting the heating on.

  4. If I should have a crochet kimono I would want it in these same colors. :~) I love the front and neck edging, but have no idea how you did this. We have turned the corner now with the sun heading back south, so cooler days aren't that far away (hard to imagine that right now).

    1. Thank you. To say my crochet skills are basic is a massive under statement. It is basically a few oblongs , different sizes in one stitch with a different stitch to edge.


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