Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Where Do You Stand On Dried Flowers?

 I'm still really enjoying the roses I picked from our garden for the Jubilee afternoon tea. They sit there so beautifully and every now and then I get a lovely scent in the air. I really must pick flowers more often.

I saw these dried flowers recently whilst in Brighton at a store called Phohm, now trending at weddings and events. I'm not sure about them, what do you think?


  1. Those feathery dried flowers are stunning! xxx

    1. You love your colour so much, it's interesting that you like the dried flower hues too. I'm warming to them.

  2. I love dried flowers. I have a few arrangements that I just can't bring myself to throw out.

    1. Hello, thanks for stopping by. I've just discovered your lovely blogs.

  3. I will always love fresh flowers first and foremost, but dried flowers have their place and time....and these are actually very lovely. For some reason, though, I think of them more in the context of fall... ~Robin~ (THANK YOU for the recipe link...and the info on the beautiful "lilacs"... I am not familiar with them but am going to look into them!) ~Robin~ (The Cranky Crow)

  4. What a great question! I remember my mother had a lovely vase of dried flowers when I was growing up. I don't really have space for any but I do love dried flowers although fresh ones are lovely too but only if they haven't travelled halfway round the world.

    1. Yes, it's so important to try and use local or best of all your own flowers. I'm hoping to grow more and more.

  5. I would always choose fresh flowers over dried flowers, it's the scent, I just love it. I think dried flowers are great if you want a permanent arrangement for an area though. Silk flowers seem to be very popular at the moment too.

    1. I'm the same as you Jo. I will always have fresh over dried. I do dry lavender and roses, because it means they are around a bit longer and sometimes can be used for other things.


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