Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Gainsborough's Blue Boy

The Mr and I made a special trip to London last weekend to see a rather spectacular English painting, the word iconic is appropriate. I'm having a bit of a love affair will all things 18th century so couldn't miss seeing it.

It left our shores exactly 100 years ago, and went to it's new home in California. In 1922 it was exhibited for three weeks before it left and over 90k folk came to say goodbye. The then Director of The National Gallery apparently wrote au revoir on the back of the canvas, I found that quite touching.

It is only here until May, when it returns to America. Do go and see it if you can, it may be your only chance. It goes without saying there are vast numbers of additional jaw dropping works to see in the collection, including many new acquisitions, not least 'The Red Boy' by Lawrence, exquisite and moving.

We had a free overnight stay in a nice hotel. They even found us a blue room, to match the occasion.

And we arranged to meet some friends who I hadn't seen since before the first lockdown, at Brasserie Max for some top nosh and far too much fizz, what a great night it was.


  1. Looks like you had a lovely trip!

    1. Thanks for dropping by Jill. Yes we had the best time. Still getting over it, ha ha.

  2. I was a wee bit green when you mentioned going to London and taking in some of the Egyptian exhibits...Now I am green and blue LOL. That is a spectacular painting...but when I first saw your title, it conjured all sorts of books and movies of similar name, but much more haunting.... ;-) Finishing things off with dinner and drinks with friends and a lovely room sounds like it made for a picture perfect (get it???) weekend. (Sorry...couldn't resist....) ~Robin~

    1. Hi Robin, yes of course, blue boy could be misconstrued. Can't have that, so I've changed the title of the post, much better. xx

  3. Fabulous opportunity! I wonder if they decide to do a European Museums tour because I would certainly take advantage of that to see it! Posh bedroom indeed and posh meal out! It is good to spoil yourselves now and again! Keep well. Amanda x

    1. Hi Amanda, yes we had the best time. All was pleasure, apart from the aching feet ! Nice to push the boat out once in a while. Take care. x

  4. It sounds like you had quite the occasion. What a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Jo. It was nice to be carefree for a short while. x

  5. It must have been very special to see that stunning painting in person. I rather love the "au revoir" anecdote! And your hotel looks quite swanky! xxx


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...