Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Crocheted Kimonos Whatever Next?

 Yes my darlings, you could be forgiven for thinking I had been abducted by aliens and subsequently, once they realised their terrible mistake, dumped swiftly back on Earth. It's been a while. I'm not sure why, as I have been muchly busy and certainly could have posted more. Anyhoo, I have been keeping up to date with you all, on receive but not transmit, as it were. 

The Mr and I have been out and about quite a bit and I have been crocheting and knitting a few things.

Firstly I finished my mad housecoat. I dreamt the design up as I felt I needed a yarny kimono style warm coat to wear about the house. You know, when the heating hasn't quite reached the desired temperature and the rooms are a little chilly. A bit like a wearable cosy blanket.

Kimono style, I think because in my student days I used to swan around in an antique silk kimono, drinking ice cold blonde sherry, like you do. As I'm less decorative myself nowadays a crocheted version serves wonderfully. My son thinks it has a Persian air to it and has asked me to make him one. I have just finished making him a Balaclava from a 1941 pattern, for his long daily city walks. I hope he never decides to wear the two together.

Although, Tom Daley has just released some images of his new knitwear collection, and to my eyes the garments look madder than mine. So who knows, perhaps I'm bang on trend. Or perchance avant- garde.

I'll be back soon, promise, with some more tidbids. I leave you with a picture of my nails, spruced up this very afternoon.


  1. Hello there dear Jean...and Happy March to you! Ours came in a bit like a πŸ‘ so I best be ready come month's end. 🦁 And, uh, well....I never knew anyone to wear silk kimonos and drink iced sherry...in my student days or otherwise LOL. Your knit kimono housecoat turned out wonderfully! (And what a lot of knitting that is!) And, yes, I think your design skills are much more en trend than Mr. Daley's. πŸ˜‰ You may need to debut your own line. Pretty nails...I so need a pedi but the thought of baring my toes in public mid-winter is a bit intimidating. Soon though...soon. ~Robin~ (PS...good to see you back! I feared you were washed off in some of those horrific rains.)

    1. Hi Robin, lovely to hear from you. The wet weather has been completely bonkers but we remain safe. Although we did have a pretty hairy experience last Sunday on our way back from Manchester with not a few roads closed due to flooding.Spring will be open us soon.

  2. I'm quite smitten with your mad housecoat, and with energy prices rocketing, they might well become the new trend. And look, it seems you've already inspired Tom Daley ;-) And yes, his creations look definitely madder than your housecoat! xxx

    1. Hi Ann, thanks for your kind words. My housecoat was made mostly from odds and ends of wool I had stashed, so it doesn't really feel as if it cost very much. But it is very cosy.

  3. OH!.. Jean I really think you need to make up a pattern for your trendy kimono housecoat and sell it on Etsy. I for one would love to make one as it would be just brilliant for in the house. It looks so warm and snug and of course stylish! Posh nails! Gorgeous! Keep well. Amanda x

    1. Oh Amanda you are so sweet, thank you so much. My son has asked me to make him one, so when I start it, I will put the details on my blog for you and others. xx


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