Thursday, 24 March 2022

Shiny Sunny Days

 Well my buttercups, it is a shiny sunny day today and I'm just back from meeting my friend Pip for breakfast. We had a glorious stroll around the local Victorian park and paid a visit to a few of the chazza shops too. On entering our local Red Cross shop I said to Pip, I don't need any clothes, which translated means don't let me buy anything. But they had so many lovely things today, you know how that sometimes happens, well you guessed it, I couldn't help myself. I seem to have a thing about coral at the moment. This groovy little number will be perfect for our Scilly Isles trip in July.

I rushed home and hand washed it, and it is a non iron dress, so spot on for the hols. The sleeves look a little odd in the pic but it is a 'cold shoulder' dress that's why. Buying this has made me feel our trip is a little bit nearer.

In other news I'm starting up a craft and chatter group in my local town of Matlock. A new 'BOD' cafe bar has opened and it is the perfect venue. Every Thursday between 10am-12pm starting next week. I'm very excited about it as it is a precursor to an idea I have of creating a local arts community. I'll keep you posted folks. Have a good weekend all.


  1. I think the dress will be perfect for your holidays, it's good when you strike lucky and just hit on something. The craft and chatter group sound fab, I wish I lived closer. Can't wait to hear more about your plans.

  2. That dress is STUNNING!! Please do take and post a photo of you wearing it during your holiday!! (And hope to see phots of the Isles as's as close as I will likely ever get to seeing them myself.) Congrats on your new adventure! But pray tell, what is a "BOD" cafe?? Ignorant Across the Pond.....

    1. Ha ha. Bod is a small chain of bar restaurants, run by the Titanic brewery. Lovely and spacious with great decor and food and drink. Named Bod I believe because of the historic location of their first venue. xx

  3. Love the dress, I never seem to find anything wearable in charity shops :-( Good luck with the craft and chatter group, I set up a cross stitch group years ago and it got very popular, I handed it over to someone else to run a couple of years ago because I didn't have the time, now I have more time than I know how to fill!'s still going strong though.

    1. Thanks Maggie. I'm really looking forward to launching the group. x

  4. The dress is just perfect, Jean, and I'm just a slightly bit envious about your upcoming trip. I never made it to the Scilly Isles yet! xxx

    1. Thank you. The Scilly Isles feel like a major discovery for us. I could happily go every year. xx


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...