Saturday, 19 March 2022

A Little Bit of Joy on Saturday

 I saw this you tube video on Facebook a few days ago and I wanted to share it with my blogging chums, because I feel it is quite amazing. Shirley Bassey is 85 and an example to us all, her joie de vivre is so uplifting to see. The Bassey voice remains undiminished and in my opinion is still extraordinary, I felt shivers all up my back watching her sing her powerful notes. 


  1. Wow, she looks amazing and still sounds great.

    1. I know it's brilliant, makes me hopeful for my future years. Not that I can sing now, ha ha.

  2. She's got such a recognisable voice, hasn't she.

    1. She has Jo, something I don't think we hear nowadays.

  3. An example to us all indeed, Jean, thank you for this little bit of joy! xxx


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...