Thursday, 27 January 2022

Oh Yeah !


I feel a trip to The Ritz Cinema coming on. Oh and some chilled dizzy water.

Saturday, 8 January 2022

In Bed With Liza Minnelli & Robert De Nero

 Woke up yesterday with an unexpected sore back. It's a real nuisance and bloomin painful. It started after a rather fine facial I had the day before. My body doesn't appear to like laying still for an hour, even on a gorgeously heated treatment bed. By the end of the day, yesterday, it was almost back to normal so I  was more than a little surprised to find it really sore again this morning. I've taken something for it and moved around a bit but then decided to pop back to bed for a while and have given myself a bit of a back massage, which has helped a lot. I took the Ipad with me and saw this fantastic film of Liza, what a gal. I saw her live a few years ago at The Albert Hall, I'd love to see her again.

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

New Year Intentions

I think Pam Ayres sums it up beautifully and eloquently of course.

I've failed for seven decades but it's here now, this is it!
The year that I declutter, eat more wisely and get fit,
I'll exercise all muscle groups that atrophy and sag,
I'll hum with joyful sweetness and I'll never lose me rag.