Tuesday, 19 October 2021

It's Been A Good Day


At times I think I can be guilty of focusing on the things that have not quite gone to plan. Coming up against negative or rude folk we meet on a day to day basis, can spoil our own sense of well being. For instance, yesterday I had to do an emergency stop to avoid hitting the chump who pulled out in front of me at the last minute into a space that did not exist. But let us not dwell.

Today has been a great day. I had a wonderful 40 minute swim and 20 minute pool exercise, which feels great. I picked a bumper crop of raspberries, some I will freeze. And FINALLY my Chrysanthemums, (yes, I did have to get the dictionary out for that one), have flowered. The Mr also helped me hang the two pictures I bought on holiday in The Scilly Isles. I will post about the Isles soon as they were most extraordinary.

Don't let the current dark and mizzle weather get you done my lovely readers, we can make our own sunshine in our collective blog world.


  1. Those paintings are lovely! I agree, it helps to focus on the good things xxx

    1. Thanks Lyn, they sum up our wonderful Scilly holiday, and remind us of our good times there. Jean. x

  2. Ahhh....of that I am guilty as well. I believe many of us are, unfortunately...but I do love your idea of making our own sunshine in our "collective blog world." Your new artwork is beautiful...looking forward to reading about the Isles! ~Robin~

  3. Sometimes it can be the little things which put a smile on our faces. It's so easy to get down with all the doom and gloom in the world at the moment, especially when that's all the news reports seem to dwell on, where have all the good news stories gone?

    1. I know. I'm trying my best to be positive, small wins. Jean. x
