Sunday, 31 October 2021

Samhain Blessings


This wonderful image dropped into my mail box from the lovely Wendy @ Painting Dreams I'd like to wish all my blogger friends Samhain Blessings.

Wendy creates the most amazing cards, wall hangings, cushion covers and oodles more, do pop over to her site and explore, your spirits will be lifted.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Idyllic Scilly Isles

 The rain has blown over for a wee while and the sun is streaming through my window reminding me I need to post about our September trip to The Scilly Isles. I hope my witterings might strike a cord and perhaps create some interest. And maybe a litte joy.

Visiting the Islands has been on my list for an absolute age, I suspect it is on the lists of many folks, and is awkward or expensive to get to,  which is why the islands are not heaving with people. Yet most people I spoke to come back to the islands year on year. So perhaps it is the same folk who always visit?

This image from Pinterest

To say the islands are extraordinary is an understatement. Quiet, historic, breathtakingly beautiful and choc full of the most amazing wildlife and exotic plants. I would happily go there twice a year if I had the time and money. As it is I'm trying to book for 2023, yes you really do need to book way in advance.

Porthcressa beach middle of the day.

We spent a few nights in Penzance too before we sailed to the islands. We had the best time. Our B&B was exceptional The Summer House

The breakfast room at The Summer House

The Admiral Benbow Pub

The chocolate house 18th century holiday let

A funny garden sculpture

The Mr and I can't wait to go back to the sunshine and fun.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

It's Been A Good Day


At times I think I can be guilty of focusing on the things that have not quite gone to plan. Coming up against negative or rude folk we meet on a day to day basis, can spoil our own sense of well being. For instance, yesterday I had to do an emergency stop to avoid hitting the chump who pulled out in front of me at the last minute into a space that did not exist. But let us not dwell.

Today has been a great day. I had a wonderful 40 minute swim and 20 minute pool exercise, which feels great. I picked a bumper crop of raspberries, some I will freeze. And FINALLY my Chrysanthemums, (yes, I did have to get the dictionary out for that one), have flowered. The Mr also helped me hang the two pictures I bought on holiday in The Scilly Isles. I will post about the Isles soon as they were most extraordinary.

Don't let the current dark and mizzle weather get you done my lovely readers, we can make our own sunshine in our collective blog world.