Saturday, 27 February 2021

An Ancient Yew In A Special Spot.

 A bit of an unusual post today. It's in response to the delightful Robin @ The Cranky Crow Blog . I mentioned an ancient yew tree in the grounds of our local church in a previous post and she asked for a picture.

At the time I thought the tree was about 2000 years old, which is what it also says on this information board at the site of the tree. But recently whilst attending a funeral service at the church , the Reverend Monk said they had discovered it was nearer 4000.

It really is a wonderful thing to behold.

The churchyard is pretty special too. Serene and beautiful in it's own way.

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Excitement In Lockdown

 Yes my friends, buying a bread maker is what passes for excitement during lockdown. The bread though not so much.

It's very insipid looking, no?

I used a ready packet mix for this, only because I have a few lurking in my store cupboard. A little bit out of date of course. Does anyone ever manage to use them within their BB date. It tasted okay, but I didn't like the texture, a bit too doughy for me. And as you can see the top was a wee bit pale.

Today I have tried again. I have selected a darker crust this time in the hope it will look a better colour and I have used individual ingredients this time. It still looks really pale. I haven't tasted it yet. 

Traditionally I have made my bread by hand, but not so often to have a flair for it.

I wondered if any of you lovely folk had any tips for me to get the most from the machine?

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Painting Dreams

 Just a quick post today to let you all know about a fantastic artist Wendy Andrew. Her work celebrates The Goddess and the old ways. She produces the most amazing cards, posters, wall hangings and many other desirable treats. I absolutely adore her work, you can tell I'm a big fan eh?

A virtual walk through her web site is a delight, you can find her here.

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Escape To The Chateau Salon

 Do any of you follow the Strawbridges at ETTC? Yes, of course you do.

image from House Beautiful

Their first series when they purchased, what was then, a wreck of a Chateau, coincided partly with my renovation of our house. Like them we had to install all new amenities and decorate absolutely everywhere. Their grit and determination helped me through the darkest days of our own house renovation, after all their project was huge compared to mine. But I still transformed 12 rooms, porch and stairway. And most recently dear reader you will have seen the very last piece in the puzzle when I revamped the cellar. In all it took about three years.

 We have turned our attention to the garden now, so watch this space. I thought I could show you a bit more regularly how that develops as it should be interesting, but I digress.

My post today is really a mention for the Salon membership that has just gone live on their website at Chateau .TV

Top right is a Rabbit stew recipe and top left a little signed print.

It really translates as a 'Friends Membership'. You pay £108 per year and you get all sorts of goodies through the post, you can enter exclusive competitions and you can tune into Salon broadcasts once a month. They are quite clear it is a revenue making exercise, but I think we all win. We help them to continue their work and we can enjoy the journey with them.Getting a few nice little perks too. I'm very pleased with my membership.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Keeping One's Chin Up.

 It's getting harder to keep chipper, is it not? The lockdown is relentless and the snow however pretty creates another lockdown within the lockdown. I feel the need to get out and about and get some exercise, but with the ice and snow am a bit nervous of slippage after breaking my ankle last June, during a woodland walk.

So I'm trying to think of attainable joy. This week I have ordered two things that guarantee a little warm feeling of happiness. You guessed it, woolly socks and Portugese wine.

The wine is a mixed case from Averys wine merchants, we bought a case in the Summer and it was wonderful, every single bottle, so we have been watching for its return on their website. And woolly socks of course are just the ticket for poodling about the house, keeps the nasty drafts at bay.

I've also started knitting again, not the difficult WIP willow pattern jumper that I should be getting on with, rather some easy knitted squares to contribute to a knitting project organised through The Prince's Foundation at Dumfries house. How splendid would it be to take a turn around this beautifully restored house. It's on my ever increasing list of places to visit.

Months ago we tentatively booked a few days away on a Scottish Isle thinking it might be doable by Spring. Fingers crossed we make it there. 

Keep well and safe.