Thursday, 31 December 2020

Happy New Year My Chums


Never known a bloomin year like it. 

I hope Covid is chased away as quickly as possible in 2021 so we can all share some joy in our lives again. 

Lots of us have lost loved ones and we grieve for them, but with the new year comes hope. Wishing all of my blogging chums, health and happiness.

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

A Simple Wish


A simple wish for all my blogging chums,  I hope you all manage to find some joy and peace at the end of this most terrible year, the likes of which I sincerely hope we never see again.

I know we will all be hunkering down to send this year on it's way, looking forward to a fresh start in 2021.

 My dearest friend of many years who had been ill throughout November, passed away on December 12th. For years she has been my shadow, she is already greatly missed.

 This is us in 2015 at a Salute to the 40s event at Chatham Docks. Me a land army girl and her a factory worker. She was an extraordinary women in so many ways.


Sunday, 6 December 2020

Wee Gifts On A Budget


I do love a twinkly light and these gorgeous lanterns where such a surprise when I happened upon them at our local Chatsworth Gardens. So pretty, I found myself smiling from ear to ear. 

Now I've finished all the DIY jobs in the house and I'm furloughed for another couple of weeks, I've had time to make a few little things. I made some lavender bags, a few for us to stop the pesky moth babies from eating our clothes, plus a few for friends as little extra stocking presents. I had bought a big bag of lavender from a visit to Burghley House last year and happily have now made use of it.

The fabric was purchased in a little bundle of mixed fabrics, half price in January and the blue velvet ribbon was in my stash.

I also planted up these fancy Welsh Gaudy Ware teacups with dainty house leeks. The cups themselves were a chazza shop purchase £3.00 each, but they are early 19th century and the house leeks I picked up from Freecycle. I'm keeping one and gifting the other two. I think they look smashing.

I'll be back soon to show you my latest project which I collected this morning and the dearest little bobble hat make.