Tuesday, 4 August 2020


Mint on left with two bunches of Cretan Oregano.
For a girl who's normally very thrifty and on the ball, I can't think for the life of me why I have never before dried the wonderfully fragrant mint that grows in our garden. We have heaps of the stuff. I'm very fond of grabbing a big bunch of leaves and making a delicious herbal tea, which incidentally is also very soothing for the stomach if needed.

Last year I purchased an electric dehydrator, because I thought I would like to dry some of our home grown chillies and some lemon peel. I had mixed success with it and so it has languished in the cupboard since.

The mister popped up from the garden last weekend and said he had made a herbal discovery, we have a large patch of Cretan Oregano, you what? says I, never heard of it. Obviously planted by the last house owners and we've never noticed it before. It's absolutely gorgeous and by the looks of things expensive to buy.

Whilst cutting the Oregano I had a light bulb moment and thought I should cut some mint as well. All herbs are happily drying in our scullery and will be used throughout the winter months to flavour our food.

Now I've got the bug I think I will be drying more and more, with a view to gifting some too, I'll let you know how it all works out.

A very warm welcome to my two new followers :)


  1. I love a cup of mint tea, or just mint flavoured water but often forget that I have it in the garden too.

    1. Seems we are all guilty. I've just started keeping some fresh mint in a glass of water in the kitchen so it is at hand. Yesterday my friend and I went on our first visit to the cinema again and took gin and tonics in those insulated coffee cups. Lots of ice, lemon and fresh mint. Yum

  2. I never think to dry my garden herbs. I'll be out to cut some mint in the morning. X

    1. That's good. I mentioned it to my chum prof the other day and said how silly I'd been not to dry my mint. She laughed and said she always bought dried mint in the winter but I had prompted her to cut some of her fresh mint too. Sometimes we don't see the obvious :)

  3. I've heard of quite a few people drying their own herbs just lately. I often have mint tea if I've got an upset stomach, it's great at settling it, but I confess I use a tea bag rather than the mint from the garden.

    1. The fresh mint has such a bright and refreshing flavour. I also sometimes use lemon balm, especially if I have a bit of a headache.

  4. I have had a lot of Duh!! moments.

    We will pay for teabags with tea that has flown right across the world when we have the actual leaves in our gardens to make our own. Buy new herb plants when we have huge bushes that we could take cuttings from (that's me with Rosemary ... I am ALWAYS buying Rosemary plants from garden centres).

    And yes buy a jar of mint sauce when we have just weeded up lots of rampant mint!!

  5. Aren't herbs wonderful ...

    All the best Jan


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