Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Raspberries & Roger Moore

I have been spending more time on line through the lockdown and happily have returned to the blogger world to reconnect with old chums and to 'meet' new ones. In spending longer on line I find so many interesting things on other folk's blogs, which can result in me making a few purchases.

The day before yesterday I discovered an amazing folksy CD on she has a little gizmo on the bottom of her blog which plays some lovely tunes. Said CD was £30, ouch, but I couldn't help myself. Today I almost bought a rather lush book all about plant medicines, I resisted, just as well as I do have rather a number of similar books in the library here.

Instead after reading Martin Lewis's newsletter this morning I was straight over to the Boots website and ordered some skin care on special offer. And so this is how the money goes, tra la la.

I have also been watching episodes of The Saint starring Roger Moore. I absolutely love it, because it reminds me of when I was a child of about 6, watching Sunday evenings before bedtime. The episodes are naturally dated but that is part of the charm. I can see now where I got my lofty ideas of glamour, travel and expensive living. Also dear reader I now have a bit of a crush on Roger Moore, OMG the voice, the hair the twinkly blue eyes. Of course this had led me to another rather swoon worthy purchase.

In defending my numerous purchases may I say that I have had a bit of a mini lockdown within the lockdown because I broke my ankle at the beginning of June and it has been a long time mending. Small parcels of delight have kept my chin up.

I'm now able to get down a little way into our terribly sloping garden and managing to pick some fruits.

I'll leave you today dear friends with a picture of Morgana Mittens administering some kitty healing.

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Mushroom Surprise

The surprise is you can make a delicious mushroom soup from a packet of semi manky mushrooms.

The excess and unused mushrooms were in the fridge because as I was purchasing a big brown bag of mixed mushrooms from the Farmers Market, the mister was picking up a pack from Sainsburys.
We ate the FM ones pretty quickly but the pack stayed in the fridge for way too long. I was going to throw them away but thought if I peeled them they may still be useful and safe to eat :)

Well, I googled a recipe as I've never made mushroom soup before and it turned out wonderfully. The mister on finishing his bowl said "I'd pay good money for that in a restaurant", which says it all really.

Ingredients serves 2

Large knob of butter or olive oil
1 medium finely chopped onion
Pack of mushrooms sliced
Dried sage to taste
1 large clove garlic crushed
500ml veg stock
100ml milk
Chopped fresh parsley


Fry onions gently for approx 5 minutes to soften, not brown.
Add mushrooms and sage cook 10 minutes stirring all the while.
Add garlic and cook for a minute or so.
Remove a few mushrooms for garnish and set aside on a plate.
Pour in stock bring to boil remove from heat and blend with a hand blender, (be careful if still really hot).
Add milk heat through, garnish with parsley and saved mushrooms and serve.

Let me know if you gve it a try.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020


Mint on left with two bunches of Cretan Oregano.
For a girl who's normally very thrifty and on the ball, I can't think for the life of me why I have never before dried the wonderfully fragrant mint that grows in our garden. We have heaps of the stuff. I'm very fond of grabbing a big bunch of leaves and making a delicious herbal tea, which incidentally is also very soothing for the stomach if needed.

Last year I purchased an electric dehydrator, because I thought I would like to dry some of our home grown chillies and some lemon peel. I had mixed success with it and so it has languished in the cupboard since.

The mister popped up from the garden last weekend and said he had made a herbal discovery, we have a large patch of Cretan Oregano, you what? says I, never heard of it. Obviously planted by the last house owners and we've never noticed it before. It's absolutely gorgeous and by the looks of things expensive to buy.

Whilst cutting the Oregano I had a light bulb moment and thought I should cut some mint as well. All herbs are happily drying in our scullery and will be used throughout the winter months to flavour our food.

Now I've got the bug I think I will be drying more and more, with a view to gifting some too, I'll let you know how it all works out.

A very warm welcome to my two new followers :)