Friday, 30 March 2012

I'm Backing Britain

I was moved to tears last night watching the Mary Portas programme about her initiative in Manchester to help re-instate British manufacturing. What a great thing to campaign about. 

Helping young people, who in this case didn't seem to have anything to aim for or look forward to, turn their lives around. 

There must be thousands of similarly disadvantaged people all over the country. And yet we continue to import masses of products.

When I was a small child there was a huge national campaign to get people to purchase goods made in Britain. We all proudly wore the badge.
All of us mindful of what we spend and where, try to spend as little as possible but when we do, we spend it locally as far as possible. 

I have just been to my local high street and bought my groceries, my toiletries, put some pictures in for framing and of course checked out most of the charity shops. 

It's my husband's birthday next week, he says he doesn't need anything but I have purchased a little something from a local independent retailer, and we will be dining at a local pub on his actual birthday.

This week Vivienne Westwood talking about buying clothes said we should "buy well, choose less and make it last".

I want to add we should buy local and buy British, keep the money circulating in our own communities.

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