Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015

We've friends over tonight to see out the old year and welcome in the new one. Home made fish pie, with flat leaf parsley from the greenhouse. Lemon meringue pie, courtesy of Waitrose and lashings of fizz.

Jools Holland and some of his mates will be Hootenannying us as the old year slips away.

Hope you all have a happy and positive evening as the new year joins us.

I send all my best wishes to you for a fantastic 2015.


  1. Thank you. Wishing you and yours all the very best for 2015 too. Enjoy your celebrations.

  2. (I think you forgot to invite me ha ha). Hope you have a great evening and a Happy New Year. x

  3. Snap! I'll be watching Jools Holland as well.....
    Wish l could watch it with lovely Jayne up
    there! Bit late now though!

    I'll be lifting a glass (one of many). To you and
    yours Jean...And, to everyone else l can think of!
    Hic! Hic! Hoooray! Bless!x

  4. Sounds fun. Enjoy - and all the best for 2015

  5. Sounds lovely- can you save some of that fish pie for me please? Happy New Year to you and yours, Jean. Very glad to have found your blog this year and looking forward to more chuckles next year xx

  6. Happy New Year, I hope you had a lovely time xxx

  7. Happy New Year! Sounds like you had a lovely evening. Hope 2015 will bring all you desire x

  8. I hope 2015 brings you health and happiness!

    Happy New Year, Jean! <3

  9. Happy New Year (hope you haven't got a bad head?) Hope 2015 is a joyful and healthy one for you and your family. xxx

  10. Thank you and a happy belated new year to you xx


Don't Be Cut Off From Yourself

A tremendously sad piece of prose from Virginia Woolf, which touched me on reading it recently. I'm not sure she ever felt a true ha...