Sunday, 4 January 2015

Saving and Spending

So the best bit for me over the Christmas period was spending time with our son. Back home from Uni' for a few days. He wasn't with us on Christmas day, so the day itself lacked sparkle for me. But next Christmas will be organised early doors, so I have all my family with me, for a change. Even my lovely brother who hasn't spent a Christmas day with me for about 40 years has already been invited.

Mind you, the Mister and I are planning a bit of an adventure in 2015, and so may well be living in Italy by December. We shall have to wait and see what fate has in store for us.

As usual we mainly bought presents for the children in the family, and a few other folk. Small gifts between us and of course some hard cash for 'the student' in the family.

I did get one fabulous 'big' present from the Mister. Which we went out to buy last Friday, just in case the store had January reductions. It didn't :(

As you know dear reader I've been experiencing a bit of a Scandi crush of late and these Danish, Ilse Jacobsen rain boots (all right, wellies), fit the bill. I'm super pleased with them.

Last of our Winter veg, harvested today.

We popped to Tunbridge Wells to buy the boots, which is our nearest big town and luckily for me, is home to the only Ilse Jacobsen store in the Uk.

One of my knitty group friends, Libby, also tipped me off that the big department store in T Wells had a brilliant bedlinen sale on. We took a peek, of course. So glad we did.

We bought this gorgeous Sanderson king size duvet set for our bed, reduced from £150 to £15. That's the sort of discount that keeps me smiling for a day.

Now we shouldn't need to be buying anything other than necessities for quite some time. Back to watching the pennies and making our money and resources stretch.

With that in mind I'm really keen to cut our food bill this year, without compromising on quality and taste. I think growing more vegetables and eating more meatless meals will be a good start, coupled with no food waste.

Tonight I will be using some home grown chillies which I froze at the end of October to pep up a home made chicken Jalfrezi. Just the ticket in this bitter weather, my mouth is watering already.


  1. Nice shopping-you are so good at spotting a bargain Jean, that duvet set is gorgeous. As are the wellies, I have been after those myself for a while. Can't wait to hear more about your exciting plans for Italy!

  2. £150 to £15 wow that is some reduction, please tell me that isn't a picture of your bedroom - totally gorgeous. Love the rain boots too - are they fur lined? Can't wait to hear about your proposed adventure - sounds exciting.

    1. Hi Elaine, no not our bedroom, ours is lovely though. I should take a pic with the new bedlinen on to show you. I had a very bright bedroom like the picture once and although gorgeous to look at very difficult to sleep in once the sun is up. And totally crushing if you have a hangover. Mind you I don't really have those anymore.The boots have a thick soft cotton lining to let your feet breathe a bit and the outer is rubber. i almost want it to rain so I can wear them out and about.


  3. Italy? Italy? Live in Italy? Neah! Forget that! :).
    Now! You did mention Sicily...Now! That's a
    different matter! I'm bias of course...BUT! It's
    the loveliest place on the planet...
    My home! My home! So, what am l doing in
    this country? "God Knows"....! :).

    And, yeah! l did pretty well over Christmas,
    got loads of bargains, saved a bob or two....
    Good Christmas ALL round...! Roll on Easter.
    Eggs are in the shops, right now!

    HeHe! Sorry can't resist....
    Napoleon got home one day, and found a pair
    of gum~boots at the end of the bed...He said to
    Josephine..."Whose are those gum~boots"?
    And she said....she said...."Oh! there Wellington's"!
    (Sorry, best l can do on a Monday).

  4. Well once we've visited Sicily this year we may be smitten too. love the Wellington joke btw.


  5. What a fantastic bargain Jean! Really lovely duvet set.


  6. Brilliant bargain with the bedding it's beautiful, as are the wellies .... sorry, rainboots!!

    I thought your chillies were little fairy lights at first they are so wonderfully arranged on the freezing tray ;-)

    1. Ah well Sue the freezer tray thing is a tip i found on your blog. So thank you muchly.


  7. Italy ! wow how lovely !
    Happy 2015, dear Jean..
    Wishing the year to be one of the kindest for us all...
    Hug Maria x

    1. Thrilled to see you back in blog world Maria. I've just been over to your blog but couldn't leave a comment for some reason, maybe it's just me?
      Buzzingly optimistic post, quite splendid.


  8. I'm jealous, really jealous.........nuff said x

  9. What a scrumptious post! That bed linen is divine- never mind smiling for a day, I'd be grinning all month :o) And Italy, eh? You'd better keep the blog going from there please xx

  10. There are some wonderful bargains around but yours takes some topping.
    I have just bought a cabin suitcase that meets all of Easyjets requirements for £7 and it not some cheapskate company but made by Dunlop.
    Italy that news is really interesting, I am sure you will keep us posted.

  11. I didn't know you lived near TW. I know the area well (being a Sussex/Surrey lad myself). My wife's people retired to Crowborough after a life of travelling between embassies. I like the colour of the 'rain boots'.

  12. I bought myself some Jacobsen boots last year; I got the orange ones with no lacing! When I am in the UK I always spend a day shopping at Tunbridge Wells.

  13. Love the boots - as well as all other things Scandi, including the antiques. Did those gloomy TV thrillers cast a spell over us?

    1. Reykjavik cast it's spell over me when we went last year. And the Viking exhibition at the British Museum cemented my Scandi crush. Maybe if i can nail Italian I will learn Danish. One of my best chums is Danish and she lives in Florence, perhaps I should move in with her. Her 3 year old daughter speaks 3 languages already.



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