Wednesday, 17 December 2014


As promised, a post about an extraordinary discovery in Wales.

The leaflet for Abbey-Cwm-Hir says, "Where style meets beauty in a time from the world".
Answers on a postcard please if anyone understands what that means.

The 52-roomed Victorian Gothic Revival Hall is open year round to visitors. And the current owners, Paul and Victoria Humpherston, are lovers of the themed room. But not just one theme, lots and lots of themes. Given the size of the house they have a lot of scope, and they use it to the max.

Christmas is their BIG thing. Every inch of the house is crammed with decorations, Christmas trees, kitchenalia and paraphernalia. I do not exaggerate when I say every surface in the whole of the house was covered in 'stuff'. By the end of the 'Tour of Enchantment' I felt quite claustrophobic. But that's not to say we didn't enjoy the house. It is a place like no other, a sensation, in the truest sense of the word, eccentricity at it's best.

Paul Humpherston, a charming man, took part of our tour and explained they had originally opened the house to fund the replacement of a boiler. They so enjoyed the experience it has really turned into their life's work.

These images are of my favourite things in the house. But If you want to get a real flavour of just how much they cram in, pop over to their site and look at the Christmas slide show. Prepare for your gob to be smacked.


  1. Replies
    1. I think the answer to that is, staff, and lots of them. it would drive me nuts.


  2. Oh dear, I would not be able to cope with all that clutter. It reminds me of a Gite we once rented in France, we had to dump everything off the kitchen counters, table, shelves and cupboards so that we could put our food and utensils there. A nightmare.

  3. Good grief. Just "slightly" OTT I think

  4. What an amazing place they have truly entered the spirit of Christmas - wow.

    1. Hi Elaine, thanks for popping over to my blog and leaving a comment.

      The couple at the house absolutely delighted in all their decorations and genuinely wanted to share it all with their visitors.


  5. What an interesting place to have a wander around, Thanks for sharing your favourite things.

  6. What an interesting place, nice to visit I think. Thank the holy godess for the wonderful eccentrics of this world but even though I love vintage and quirky things, I have to admit that house is OTT!

  7. That raised in me the need to de-clutter the 10 items I have displayed as "ornaments" lol

  8. This place is gorgeous, you've taken gorgeous photos, thank you for sharing :) x

  9. Very Gothic indeed!

  10. Your favourites are all the creepy things :) They must have so much fun with it.

  11. Crikey! I presume they just can't stop collecting. Hope they let everyone know when they have an attic sale!

  12. Oh my goodness, I love this. Weird, in the best possible way. :)


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