Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas One & All

It's here at last and we can all hopefully sit back now and enjoy the celebrations and everything the season brings.

This year has been a good one and I'm already looking forward to 2015 and some new beginnings. Self improvement and finding a new job that I enjoy will be my first priorities.

I hope all of you will have a stress free and enjoyable Christmas and I want to wish you all a healthy and happy New Year.

Before I go, as promised, here is my recipe for a Festive Twinkle cocktail.

Shake 30ml of Vodka with 15ml Elderflower Cordial and some crushed ice. Strain, pour into a glass with a little ice if you want. Then top up with some fizz. I used Prosecco and it worked a treat.

image via


  1. Have a wonderful Christmas Jean look forward to catching up with you in the new year.

  2. Sounds delicious! I shall try some tomorrow :o) A very happy Christmas to you and yours, Jean, and a lovely 2015 xx

  3. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas

  4. nadolig llawen to you and yours :-)

  5. Hope you have a wonderful time, Nadelik Lowen (Cornish version of Dawns greeting)

  6. Thank you. Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and all the very best for 2015.

  7. Peace and Love to you and yours Jean!

  8. "While sheperds wash their socks by night....
    ALL seated on the ground...". "NO! Not now
    Willie....". "OH! Sorry".

    Yes! Yes! Wish everyone a Mary Christmas....
    Sorry Merry Christmas! :).
    Hope you ALL pulled a cracker....HeHe! I did....
    "What goes bad tempered and goes with custard"?
    'Apple Grumble'. (To think l used get paid for writing
    rubbish like that).

    Gotta goooooooooo! Got money to spend....!
    Ciao! Ciao!
    Be Good...Take Care...Think Pink...!x

  9. Jean - Apologies for the delay in wishing you - our internet was down for 36 hours (grrrr) I hope your Christmas was really wonderful :)

  10. Oh dear, missed it again. I hope you had a good time.

  11. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Jean! I'm sure it was very Merry accompanied with such a tasty cocktail. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  12. Hope you had a merry Christmas Jean and a happy new year to you too x


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