Friday, 25 January 2013

All Dolled Up

This is the cutie that must be blamed for starting my most recent collectable fixation. That and the other cutie that sold her to me.

I still have a place in my heart for Sindy. But my first grown up dolly purchase was Christmas 2011, well not mine exactly, the Mister bought me Barbie's Joanie from Mad Men.

Isn't she just perfection?

With that 1960s eye liner flick up.

Christmas just gone was one of the two Elizabeth Taylor commemorative dolls issued recently by Mattel. The dolls were reviewed and approved by the icon herself, I think Mattel have done a grand job.

Now they are all having a lovely time in my art deco blond oak cabinet with 'engagement'  Kate Middleton.

I keep thinking to myself they are a good investment for the future, and they are, but actually I just really like looking at them. 

This week oh dear, I have made another discovery - Roldan dolls. Fi posted a great piece about them on her blog, she collects dolls too, so it's not an ole lady thing or anything huh? Nip over and take a squiz they're absolutely adorable. 
I was straight onto ebay obvs, bad move, so many pretties.

Roldan doll.

Lenci Doll
Chad valley 1930s.

Still, no treats for the next few months, as I'm saving up for a little holiday and a girl can't have everything at once, where's the fun in that?


  1. I love the Lenci doll (though I'm not THAT old) Most of my '50s dolls were in the new (!) soft vinyl that ultimately went a funny colour & certainly didn't improve with Mum's lipstick applied.So the only childhood doll I have is a pretty Pedigree in hard plastic, which has survived well.

  2. Thanks Jean! I just love dolls and have got the bug back myself after stopping collecting for a while. The photos reignited that passion so looks like we'll be fighting over them on Ebay! I really love the Kate, Joanie and Elizabeth doll too, a lady can never have too many dolls!xxx

  3. What a fab lot of lovely dolls, thank you for sharing! Lizzie x


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...