Sunday, 27 January 2013

Torchy the Battery Boy

Gerry Anderson with Parker and Lady Penelope
The Mister was reading the obituaries in his This Week magazine when he pipes up, "do you remember Twizzle?" Well says I perhaps, but I seem to get him a bit confused with Jiffy the broom stick man, an easy mistake to make and there again wasn't there someone else in the frame called Torchy the battery boy? The Mister is a mite younger than me so often has to ask me important historical facts.

All of this was at least 50 years ago, so forgive me for my lack of clarity says I. Next thing you know the Mister is 'talking' to his phone, which strangely often seems to sort out these little mix ups.

Gerry Anderson was the brains behind all these super sweet uncomplicated children's marionette tv shows. A brain which the dear man has donated to research into dementia, he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's a year before his death, last boxing day. What a good old boy, just like Mr.Bumbledrop.


  1. love that header photograph.....where is it?

    1. Well funnily enough it's in New Zealand. Wairau River Vineyard, we were having lunch there February last year.We hope to visit again next year, we are very keen to attend the Napier Art Deco weekend.

      Jean x

  2. The funniest thing is that I don't remember the lady who sang the Torchy song sounding so incredibly posh! But then, Mr N & I were saying today that people in 1970s films sound very stiff & prim now - and that was only yesterday!

    1. I thought that too Nilly, how posh? I'm surprised I didn't grow up speaking like our dear Queen.

      Jean x

  3. Oh, that brought back so many memories! And it sounds like the breakfast conversations in this house too...
    P x


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...