Sunday, 20 January 2013

Some Jolly Good Tips

I have just finished reading a fascinating book about an old school Australian housewife extraordinaire. Marjorie Bligh " domestic goddess, pioneer recycler, author. Queen of the household scene, near unbeatable in an agricultural show, and no slouch in the matrimonial department. The inspiration, it is widely rumoured, for Dame Edna Everidge". Well that's the billing anyway. The book is filled with her recipes, wisdom and verse.

So far she has led a long and very interesting life and appears to still be going strong, this book was published in 2011 when she was 94.

Looking at her life and her near obsession with frugality is a wonder. She has an answer for every problem. 

Is your goldfish constipated? Feed it Epsom Salts. If you accidentally crush your ball whilst playing ping pong, fear ye not, restore it by putting it in a pan of boiling water for a few minutes.

Not all of her tips and hints sound quite as barmy. I really love the idea of sewing a little bell into your toddler's slippers so you can hear where s/he is. And don't ever leave behind a free hotel shower cap, great for covering up bowls of food in the fridge, nifty eh? She even tells you how to sort out your thick ankle problem, and has a recipe for calming your nerves. No doubt very handy when that bell sewn into your child's slipper starts to drive you mad.

If you're decorating anytime soon I have a really good couple of tips, not gleaned from Marjorie world, that actually may be of use.

When painting ceilings with a brush, cut a slit in the centre of a sponge and insert the brush handle, it should catch most of those annoying drips.

Before painting doors rub a little vaseline over any door hinges or handles you haven't removed, then any paint splashes can be wiped off really easily.

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