Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Something to Tickle Your Fancy?

I bought this card for a friend's birthday it made me chuckle so I thought I would share.

Original illustration: Illustrated London News

Perhaps its the next malady after the menopause. Isn't it jolly how we always have something to look forward too.


  1. love a good card. I have a couple of friends who always come up with something to make me smile.

  2. Love it! Have to tell my husband this one - he is a furniture maker1

  3. Ah, by the time the next 10 years have flown (they WILL fly) by you will find there are many variations on that one - both on greetings cards & in reality!

  4. 'What larks!' Just wait 'til your drawers fall down your cabriole legs.


    1. That should be fine LL they'll get caught round my ball and claw feet :)
      Jean x


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...