Sunday, 10 July 2022

Music To Make Pasta To


I was in the kitchen making a tuna pasta bake and started to think about Sophia Loren singing Americano. So I asked Alexa to play it for me. Then I had a bit of a brainwave and asked Alexa to play Italian 1950s music. Totally joyous.

Friday, 8 July 2022



Crops have started to come through in the garden. We had our first early potatoes last night. This year as you can see, I'm growing chamomile for tisanes. My son is a big fan so I thought I would try and grow some from seed. I'm laying the heads in a black seed tray to dry out. Another first this year for me is Okra, again grown from seed. That's still in it's infant stage but coming on.

I'm off now to harvest some lavender and flowers for drying, we've just had two hot days so I think it's a good time to do it.

Enjoy the sunshine my chums but don't get too hot.