Friday, 14 April 2017

Our Home

Where have I been? Well dear readers we collected the keys to our new home at the end of January. In Estate Agent speak, there is an "opportunity to improve the house". Yeah, thirty years of neglect of an opportunity. But that aside, I'm beyond thrilled. Oh and knackered, of course. I've been working on the huge task of renovating the house, bit by bit. My hands look like I've been building roads :)

It is a good size house in a fantastic location, but it's the views that lift it to another level. I'll show you some 'befores' today and will show you some 'afters' very soon.

The second pic is of the master bedroom, which is the only room that has been completely refurbed so far, just now I'm working on painting the original oak kitchen. Everything needs a least 3 coats of paint so it's taking longer than I thought, but it's coming on a treat.