Thursday, 12 January 2023

I'm A Luxury - - - Few Can Afford


Many of you kind souls who are of an age may remember this jumper worn by Diana Princess of Wales. I've always really liked it, because you can guarantee, it will bring a smile to the face of anyone who sees it. Especially as the back says 'Few Can Afford'. 

I recently discovered you can still purchase this jumper through an American company called Rowing Blazers. But, wait for it, it is £310, reduced slightly at the moment because of a sale. Well I did ponder, shall I push the boat out and make a purchase? Then I thought, I'd have to add on postage and customs which would probably push the price up to around £400. So NO. Then I had a light bulb moment. Perhaps there is a pattern available? Lo and behold YES!

Mind you the bloomin book cost me £20. But at least I have it for future makes.

I thought I might get it finished for a trip I have planned at the end of the month but I've just unpicked a large part of it because I wasn't happy with the intarsaria stitching. The trick is not to knit it too loosely but not too tightly either otherwise it buckles up. A goodly amount can be achieved when blocking garments but the standard has to be up there before that. 

This is the front, looking quite good I think. Of course all will be revealed once it's off the needles. It should be ready for another little jaunt I have planned for later on in the year.

I also have finished a crochet blanket for a local radio call out to help people keep warm in their homes.

In other woolly matters.... I was mooching around our local chazza shops this week when I had a little chuckle to myself after over hearing two friends together in a fitting room. "Where is my wool? Oh there it is". Other friend, after some muffled scrambling noises, "I'm loosing the will let alone the wool".


  1. LOL...I love the sweater and, no, I don't remember Princess Diana wearing it...but how precious. Your version is is that wonderful blanket. You are a lady of many talents my friend. XOXO ~Robin~ (The Cranky Crow)

    1. I don't remember the jumper, but I love it! can't wait to see your's finished. Lovely blanket too :-)

    2. Thanks maggie, that's a compliment indeed from you, as I know you're an excellent crafts woman.

  2. I don't remember Princess Diana wearing this particular jumper, but I definitely appreciate its sentiment. Well done on making your own version instead of forking out silly money for it. I'm loving that cozy crochet blanket too! xxx

    1. Hi PP, I have high hopes for the jumper, we'll see how it turns out.

  3. Popping over from Gretel's blog to say hello. I so admire you creative needlecrafters! About tbriftiness: I am sorry Brittany have had such a rough time of it lately. Surely it will settle out soon. For me, thrift has been a way of life. Maybe one day I will hit that big lottery, lol! But first I have to buy tickets...

    1. Hello Granny Sue, many thanks for popping by, lovely to hear from you.

  4. How wonderful to be able to make your own jumper. It is looking great and I love the colors! Hilltop Post

    1. Thank you kindly. They're not normally 'my colours' but I thought I should try and keep near to the original colourway.


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...