Saturday, 28 January 2023

Back In The Day

 Does anyone else remember having one of these? I picked it up last week from one of my local chazza shops (Op Shop for my international chums). It cost £3.00. I love it, because it is hand made, is of it's time and also because I had a similar one when I was in my early 20s. 

I was lucky enough to visit a few Greek Islands before the tourism boom and I can't tell you how arty and bohemian I felt with a bag like this casually (of course), slung over my shoulder. Sadly these same Greek Islands are wall to wall hotels now. oh my.

Anyway blogging chums, as I type my son is on his way over to house sit, whilst I venture forth to the freezing North. I'm off to Tromso in Norway in pursuit of the magical northern lights. I will make an effort to take some pics so I can show you all when I'm back. 


  1. Enjoy Tromso. We went a few years ago and it was wonderful.

  2. That bag was a great chazza find, Jean, and I am truly envious of you going in pursuit of the northern lights! Can't wait to see pics, but in the meantime, do enjoy! xxx

  3. I love the bag! I hope you have a wonderful trip and bring back lots of pictures.

  4. Good luck with your adventure to see the Northern Lights xx

  5. Nope, can't say I remember them...perhaps they weren't a thing here. 😉 Hope you enjoy the lights! We sometimes see them here but I can only imagine what they must be like in Norway!! Looking forward to photos! ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...