Sunday, 15 January 2023

You Are Sparkly Stars & Beautiful Coral


I love to read whilst Wintering. I may even turn the heating on for a full treat, ha ha.

My latest read is by The Rev Richard Coles, it is well written and I'm enjoying its slow pace. And super smugly I've even managed to match by book mark to the author. I know, I'm so clever aren't I?

Do you recognise the fellow? It's The Skating Minister by Henry Raeburn. One of my favourite paintings which we saw recently at The Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh.

I'd like to offer a warm welcome to my latest follower who I think may be called Pat? 


  1. Hello. I’m Pat your latest follower from a placefor-everything Thanks for the welcome. I’m not sure why my photo isn’t here and I’m apparently Anonymous. Hopefully I can sort it out. Haven’t blogged for years and things have changed. Anyway, nice to meet you.

  2. I absolutely love the sound of Wintering, and wish my current situation would allow me to slow down. I definitely slowed down this weekend, complete with reading and turning on the heating ...
    Oh, and aren't you clever matching your bookmark to your book. That's just brilliant! xxx

    1. Hi PP, even I look forward to you working part time, when it happens. It means we will see more of you in blog world, that can only be a good thing all round.

  3. I love that Wintering verse Jean. Its perfect. There is also a very good book called Wintering that I saw on someones blog & managed to get it from my Library & really enjoyed it. The jumper you are knitting in the last post is wonderful - I very much look forward to seeing the finished product. I did love Diana so much! Take care Jean xx

  4. that explains everything (well, almost everything): I'm wintering! Love the verse. And how fortunate you are to have seen the "real" Skating Minister!! I'm envious. I have a reproduction of it hanging in our master bedroom. It's always been a favorite of mine! ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

  5. Hi Robin, I was so pleased to see The Minister again when we visited Edinburgh recently. Some paintings just reach into you and touch your soul. x


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...