Sunday, 17 April 2022

Happy Easter

 As it is actually Easter now I thought it was about time I took down my Christmas door wreath. I usually buy it from my local Chatsworth farm shop, and honestly it stays good until at least March. Keeping the porch lightly scented. In the past I have simply recycled the greenery and thrown the rest away. This year I have been a super scrimper and took the time to deconstrust it.

So the tiny pine pieces were put into the compost, the larger twigs and pine cones have gone as fire starters for our log burner and the rest has been put away for me to make my own Christmas wreath in December.

In its place is a very pretty Easter wreath that I bought a few years ago.

Happy Easter to all of you my blogging chums. I leave you with two little Easter gems.

Little Scandi witch from 'Scandinavian Kitchen' Newsletter.
Moomin Easter, Tove Jansson.


  1. Love your Easter wreath, and well done for dismantling and recycling your Christmas wreath! xxx

  2. Happy Easter Sweet Jean! (Although "over there," it is now past already....) I used to dismantle my Christmas wreaths and save the decorations, but rarely (if ever?) managed to use them by making my own. So now I have a tub full of wreath frufru and just toss them. Your Easter wreath is adorable! ~Robin~

    1. Thanks Robin. I'll try and remember I've got all the bits when the winter comes around again. xx

  3. If you're anything like me, you'll have saved all the bits and bobs to make your own Christmas wreath and end up buying one anyway. I love The Moomins, got my Moomins socks on today.

  4. Belated Easter Wishes Jean .. it went by so fast. Your Easter wreath is just beautiful!


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