Saturday, 2 April 2022

Costume As Art

 A few years ago I obtained a very old, linen covered French mannequin. Ever since I have desired to find a pretty 18th century dress to display on it. Something like this.

It is not an easy thing to find. Something authentic with the right look, in good condition and within budget. I will keep looking. In the meantime, I thought it might be a good idea to have something a bit more modern to put on the mannequin, as it has been bare for about ten years. Edwardian would be great as it would fit the age of our house. But alas I still couldn't find anything that caught my eye. 

Then I found a rather lovely early Laura Ashley prairie dress, made in Wales. The design of course is based on Edwardian costume. 

I remember buying something very similar in the early 1970s from her first shop in London. And as I also worked for Laura Ashley for a number of years, I felt this dress was a good fit. (Forgive the pun). 

It gives me great pleasure every time I pass it, especially as it has stopped scaring me after dark. I will keep searching for my 18th century dress, you never know, the harder you try the luckier you get.


  1. Dresses of that era were, indeed, works of art. I like your "dress in waiting" though too. I have an old dress maker's mannequin and have an old skirt for her...simple and rather plain and definitely NOT a work of art LOL. ~Robin~

  2. That dress looks absolutely perfect on your mannequin, Jean, and who knows, now that you've finally dressed it, an 18th century dress might unexpectedly come your way! xxx


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...