Saturday, 13 February 2021

Escape To The Chateau Salon

 Do any of you follow the Strawbridges at ETTC? Yes, of course you do.

image from House Beautiful

Their first series when they purchased, what was then, a wreck of a Chateau, coincided partly with my renovation of our house. Like them we had to install all new amenities and decorate absolutely everywhere. Their grit and determination helped me through the darkest days of our own house renovation, after all their project was huge compared to mine. But I still transformed 12 rooms, porch and stairway. And most recently dear reader you will have seen the very last piece in the puzzle when I revamped the cellar. In all it took about three years.

 We have turned our attention to the garden now, so watch this space. I thought I could show you a bit more regularly how that develops as it should be interesting, but I digress.

My post today is really a mention for the Salon membership that has just gone live on their website at Chateau .TV

Top right is a Rabbit stew recipe and top left a little signed print.

It really translates as a 'Friends Membership'. You pay £108 per year and you get all sorts of goodies through the post, you can enter exclusive competitions and you can tune into Salon broadcasts once a month. They are quite clear it is a revenue making exercise, but I think we all win. We help them to continue their work and we can enjoy the journey with them.Getting a few nice little perks too. I'm very pleased with my membership.


  1. My dad used to really enjoy this programme and he'd tell me all about it, though I have to confess, it's something I've never seen. I think it's very popular though, I've seen many people on social media mentioning receiving their book for Christmas.

    1. We went to see them on tour in Edinburgh just weeks before lockdown last year. So we're big fans. It's their joy of life and their energy that I love about them. His son James Strawbridge from his first marriage is the same. If you have time Jo I would recommend watching the ETTC programmes from the beginning, so uplifting and choc full of creative ideas. I think you would enjoy them. Jean. x

  2. Well, I can't say I have ever heard of them, that beautiful chateau, or the series LOL. We are quite sheltered here across the pond you know. But it sounds wonderful. I can't possibly imagine renovating a chateau that size. Schnikies! ~Robin~

    1. Oh, I'm sorry the programme hasn't made it to you yet, but I think it will. It's slowly spreading across the globe. They are such fine folk. You may be able to take a peek at them on the chateau tv website. There's a link in my post, which I hope will work for you. They have little home made films on there, which are very sweet. Jean

  3. If you read our blogs you will find we all love Dick and Angel and have watched the episodes multiple times. They are frequently talked about.

    1. Hi Rachel, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. Jean


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...