Saturday, 20 February 2021

Excitement In Lockdown

 Yes my friends, buying a bread maker is what passes for excitement during lockdown. The bread though not so much.

It's very insipid looking, no?

I used a ready packet mix for this, only because I have a few lurking in my store cupboard. A little bit out of date of course. Does anyone ever manage to use them within their BB date. It tasted okay, but I didn't like the texture, a bit too doughy for me. And as you can see the top was a wee bit pale.

Today I have tried again. I have selected a darker crust this time in the hope it will look a better colour and I have used individual ingredients this time. It still looks really pale. I haven't tasted it yet. 

Traditionally I have made my bread by hand, but not so often to have a flair for it.

I wondered if any of you lovely folk had any tips for me to get the most from the machine?


  1. I do not own a bread machine and do not now, but actually have been eyeing one up....It is very dear though....and very LARGE and heavy. Wherever it "lands" would have to be a quasi-permanent home as I could not be lifting it from anyplace routinely. And, frankly, I just don't have room for it. One of the appealing things about the one I was considering, though, was that it has a top browning element. As for any I said, I am not bread-machine saavy....BUT, I assume your packaged mix had some yeast in it, and since it is a living thing, yeast will, indeed, go bad if not used by its BB date...and often before I find. Just my 2 cents. Good luck...and keep us posted on your progress! ~Robin~

  2. Thank you so much for your input Robin.

  3. There was me thinking of buying a bread maker. I'll wait and see how you get on :-) keep well Amanda x


An Eclectic Mix of Things That Have Caught My Eye This Week

I thought this was a spiffing idea, plus it gives a new use to plain old bottles that might otherwise just be recycled. I'm going...