Monday, 9 November 2020

Gifts From The Garden


Last few things to harvest from the garden including some dried Hydrangeas, I'm loving the greeny blue ones. Found a few raspberries too, although the weather has been misty, damp and cold, but I think they will be the last for this year. I'm not complaining mind as we've had HUGE amounts of raspberries all through the late Summer, saving lots of money. I usually buy blueberries for our breakfast at £3.00 a pack but raspberries have been a great alternative.

I've been busy of late looking after a dear friend who has been admitted to hospital, she is very unwell but we're hoping for some good news next week when she meets with some specialists. Then we can plan a way forward. I have also been intrusted to look after her adorable ginger cat, Hettie, who is missing her Mum.

In between hospital visits this week I will be revamping our cellar, which is under the Victorian part of the house. It will be the last 'room' in the house to receive a makeover. Until now we have kept all the decorating materials in there for easy access, but we have moved them into the garage. The cellar will be our wine and food store, with a smallish freezer for batch cooking and food bargains, a wine rack and an upcycled 1930s wardrobe which will be a little pantry. Is is silly to be excited about it? 

This is the cellar cleared before we start to remove lose paint etc. I will post some updates as I go along.

Keep safe my blogging chums. Love from me and the fat Welsh kitty.


  1. The dried Hydrangeas look lovely :)

    Hoping your dear friend gets good news from the specialists.

    Take care

    All the best Jan

  2. The weather here has been a bit of a changeling...we have had several days of unseasonable warm temps (after accumulating and staying snows last month), but here at the lake it has been horrendous winds so those unseasonable temps have felt anything but "unseasonable." I am loving your "peeks" at your cellar area...will be looking forward to more. Hoping the best of recoveries for your friend....but her dear friend, Hettie, appears to be in the friendliest and most caring of hands. ~Robin~

  3. Anything we get from the garden at this time of year is a bonus, the hydrangeas are fabulous. Sending positive thoughts for your friend, I hope she gets some good news this week and that her lovely puss gets to see her soon.

  4. Sending sunny vibes along the coats and across the channel to your friend and to wish her a speedy recovery. Poor Hettie missing her Mum....can't Morgana works some magic on her to comfort her!! Fascinating cellar revamp I shall look forward to future posts to see the results :-) keep well Amanda x

  5. Hi Amanda thank you for your lovely comment. Keep well. Best, Jean.

    1. along the coats....oh dear me and that is writing wearing my new glasses...of course I meant along the coast...tut!! A x


Happy International Women's day

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