Friday, 27 November 2020

Behind The Scenes at Hill Top, Home of Beatrix Potter

 Just had an email from The National Trust which included this gorgeous and gentle video, I thought I would like to share it with you my lovely blogging chums.

I have visited the garden shown but haven't managed to visit the house. I particularly liked the dolls house featured as the Mister has just bought me a dolls house shop for my birthday, which I plan to turn into Mister Raymond's apothecary shop from 'Outlander'. Fans of the show will know what I'm talking about. I guess those who don't will see my efforts in due course.

We did stay at Beatrix Potter's old tea room a few years ago, which is very similar to her own house.



  1. TheCrankyCrow has left a new comment on your post "Behind The Scenes at Hill Top, Home of Beatrix Potter":

    Thank you for that lovely treat!!! I have long been a huge fan of Beatrix Potter...and what an incredibly beautiful home that is. "Sanctuary" is the perfect term for it. And the glimpses in the video of the surrounding countryside are amazing! It is exactly what I have always dreamed the English countryside to be. ~Robin~

    1. Well if you ever get the chance to come across the pond to Blighty do let me know Robin, I'd be happy to give you some tips and to show you around my neck of the woods.

  2. Wonderful. I should have been one of the first through the doors when it was meant to re-open at the beginning of this month (just before the second lockdown was announced). I'd booked my time slot and was really looking forward to it. No to mind, it is something to look forward to. X

  3. What a shame. All the cancellations are so frustrating. Hope you get to visit in the not too distant future.

  4. Thank You for the wonderful video Jean ... just such a special place. You are SO lucky that you got given a dollshouse for your birthday ... something I have always wanted & one day - I hope I get it !!! Happy Weekend to you Jean xx

  5. Thanks so much Julie. I'll have to post about the dolls house one i make a start. I'm sure a lot of folk will love to see it.

  6. What a lovely film! Thank you for sharing it. I visited two years ago - and stayed at Yew Tree Farm for a week! I'm looking forward to seeing Mr Raymond's apothecary. x

    1. Ah thank you. I've got lots of ideas for the dolls house. Now I've finished all the DIY jobs about our house I should get started on the Apothecary.


Happy International Women's day

I'm very fond of this portrait and am very lucky to see it regularly. 'The Duchess' film didn't really explore the many si...